Tell us a little bit about yourself and your brand.
My name is Meaghan Keenan, I am the owner and creator of Good Karma Candles! I grew up in Boston, in the neighborhood of West Roxbury and that is where Good Karma Candles was born and continues to operate!

What inspired you to start your brand or craft?
I have always loved "lotions and potions" along with all things with a great smell. As I have gotten older and have developed some sensitivities to chemicals and really strong smells. I ended up having to give up candles a few years back because the headaches and nausea that they were causing me was just not worth it to me anymore. Once the pandmeic hit and I had a lot more time on my hands I was able to dive and research why I was having such strong reactions to these things. What I learned astonished me for a few reasons. One being - I was not alone, so many people have reactions to candles and strong scents. Secondly- candles are really f*cking dangerous and I'm not just talking about the flame. Candles are not government regulated which means you can throw just about anything in there and sell it. What we have to remember with candles is that whatever you throw in those bad boys- you will be burning and what you are burning you are breathing in. After learning about the traditional candle making process I began researching alternatives to paraffin wax wax and came across soy candles. Because I had the time I took a shot at making them myself. Once I got my "recipe" down pat I began gifting them and before I knew it I was selling them.
How did you come up with the name of your company?
I always knew my company would give back and I wanted a name that would reflect that. I played around with a few names but Good Karma Candles kept coming up and eventually stuck! ($1 from every GKC is donated to the Boys & Girls Club of Boston)
What does an average day look like?
.... so I work GKC on the "wick-ends" haha! I do have a 9-5 so when I get home from my day job I check my website for new orders and fill those. I like to make a big batch of candles on Sunday and have them ready to go for the week!

What’s your favorite part of the job?
I started my company during the pandemic so I didn't really get the chance to meet customers face to face. There have been a few times where I have bumped into people at the grocery store or running another errand and people have said, "hey are you the good karma girl?" and begin to share their love for my candles and their favorite scents. That always makes my day! I also love when people share their stories with me either via email or DM about their own health issues whether it be sensitives, asthma or allergies and how they've been able to enjoy candles again.
When you’re creating do you have a person in mind?
I don't really know of any famous clean candle makers but I have to say I draw so much energy and inspiration from other entrepreneurs and small business owners. I love watching other people succeed and it really motivates me to keep doing what I am doing and even go beyond that!
When was your business founded and how has it evolved over time?
Good Karma Candles was born during the pandemic so it hasn't been around too long. I started selling them strictly off instagram. As the demand grew I had to pivot and change my tactics and create a website and file for an LLC.
Are there any challenges that you’ve had to overcome?
There have definitely been some challenging times in regards to supplies and wholesale ordering but that’s inevitable with any retail business. I would say the most challenging thing I’ve had to overcome is that I have built this business myself and I love that but it also means I am responsible for every single thing and sometimes that can be super overwhelming.
What is one piece of advice you have for a female entrepreneur just starting out?
I would tell them - to jump in and do the damn thing. When you wake up every day and get to do what you always dreamed of, the stress, the work, the pain, the sacrifice all become worth it.
Social Medias
insta: @thegoodkarmacnadle